Saturday, August 17, 2013

Getting Your Toddler to Go to Bed

We have been struggling for the last few months to get our 3 year old into bed at a decent hour.  Well over a year really.  Ever since we spent a summer in Michigan where it does not get dark until 11pm and people set fireworks off all summer long.  This can be incredibly difficult for someone who works from home and does most of their work after the kids are in bed.  Finally this week WE HAVE SUCCESS!!! (well so far)  I sat down and re-evaluated our night time routine and really analyzed what bad habits we had gotten in to.
Here is what I found:
 Because I was trying to get her to bed so I could get work done I was letting her control her bed time. Movie, sure.  Banana in bed, why not.  Sleep in my bed, yeah ok. Stay up till mommy is done, ugh ok.  Not a good plan. 
 Instead I sat down and wrote out what a perfect night would look like and created a routine from there.  Since she comes home from school so dirty, we often do bath time before dinner we do not have it included on our nightly routine.

7:00- pick up toys
7:30- wash face and brush teeth
8:00-story and prayer
8:30- lights out

If she gets done with her clean up and getting ready she gets an extra story which she loves.  Her and I even came up with this little chart to remind her what she need to do.  She picked out the pictures. :)

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