Friday, February 28, 2014

Taking the 30/30 Challenge

Tomorrow I am joining Joyce Meyer in her 30/30 challenge and am really looking forward to this.  I spend about 15-30 minutes most mornings on my devotional and prayer.  However, sometimes I feel like I am going through the motions and not really absorbing.  This includes the iBloom I choose to Love my Life Challenge that I started last month and my own Happiness Project.  Do you see a theme here?  My goal was to really dive in on personal development but I am kinda missing the boat.  In usual for I have taken on too much so I am turning to the one that can help me find my focus.  I will be spending 30 minutes every morning with the Man who knows it all.  I am looking forward to our conversations and to see how I come out on the other side.

Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year's Un-Resolution 2014

(warning adult language will be may be used in this post)
My New Year's Resolutions for 2014 are quite simple.  I am not resolving not to take on anything that is unnecessary until I have finished EVERYTHING I have already started.  My life since having children has been full of unfinished projects and tasks.  Since becoming an Work a Home Mom/entrepreneur my bookshelves are filled with unread books and trainings. My email is separated into folders of unread emails and online trainings that I have pushed to the side. My life in general is one big fucking pile.  It is bad enough that I have had Swiss Cheese brain since giving birth to my 3 year old but I have added to it by well adding to it. I seriously have days where I really cannot remember where I am supposed to be or what I am supposed to do. Even worse are days when I realize I have taken on so many projects that I realize there is not way in hell I am going to get them all done along with my daily duties as a mom.  So this year I am not making any resolutions I am just getting shit done.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Starting 2014 Early: A Self Realization

Do you ever have one of those moments where you realize that you are just not the person you used to be?  That somewhere along the way you have let things slide, your good habits have disappeared only to be replaced by bad, convenient habits?  Do you look back and then look in the mirror and wonder "What the heck happened!?"  This morning I had one of those moments.  As I was working on my "Organize my Life" Bullet Journal I realized how many things I truly let go over the last 4 years...since becoming a mom.  I consider myself very organized but have noticed that I am a little less organized that I would like to be which is causing me to feel very scattered.  Before children eating healthy and working out was a way of life and easy to plan.  Since becoming a wife having kids and now having 3 additional mouths to feed I find myself flying by the seat of my pants and choosing convenient over nourishing.  When you have canned soup 3 nights in a row you know you are getting lazy.  I have even noticed that the better part of my 2013 Budget Binder has been left blank.  This is incredibly scarey since we had our second child and I am transitioning to working from home full time so that I can keep my kids with me until they head into school with the possibility of homeschooling.  Having a successful Direct Sales business and working as an online health coach the money I bring in can change from week to week so it is very important to stay on top of finances...yet I have not. We won't even talk about the appearance of my house...we have been here a year and still have not completely decorated and organized it. It so desperately needs a revamp to boot.  Then there is my outward appearance.  Since 2008 I have moved 4 times & had 2 kids. During each move I purged the majority of clothes I felt no longer suited me or no longer fit. Since I have either been pregnant or in the process of  shedding baby weight, I have no purchased anything new so my wardrobe needs a DESPERATE update.  I used to love makeup, doing my hair, my nails were always painted and I LOVED the process of my skin care routine & home pampering.  My on a good day I may have lip-gloss & mascara on, I typically let my hair air-dry & toss in a pony tail.  My nails...well they tend to look a lot like Lindsey Lohan's used to, chipped and ragged.  I am not even really sure what a bath is anymore.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Meet Me! New Vlog

Check out my channel at

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I have a confession

Emerson is now 11 1/2 weeks old and I have been cleared to workout for almost 8 weeks now. My intention was to start slowly and then join my Back to School Challenge I am hosting through Emily's Fitness Training.  Yeah well, here is the thing... I am human. *GASP* I know!  What do they say about the road to Hell?  Anyways. While I have been eating OK I am not eating well, I am not drinking enough water and well, I am getting in maybe one day a week of exercise.  Being a Work At Home Mom of a little one and a 3 year old (even though she is in school) is a little more time consuming than I had originally anticipated.  Not to mention that in the last month or so I have become incredibly lazy and rather than preparing balanced meals for myself I am just grabbing what ever is around when I am home. While I am doing pretty well getting in my vitamins and making sure I start the day right with my morning Daily Cleanse and Black Sesame Isalean Shake, that is where it ends.  Unless I am out of the house then I get in my second shake, usually the Non-Dairy.  At least I can rest assured that I am getting in most of the proper nutrients. 

Next Monday I being my Little Black Dress Challenge with my team and my clients.  I am officially jumping on board and following a modified version. Since I am still nursing I can not "diet" but I can make healthy choices and eat clean. Starting Monday and every Monday until the New Year I will be sharing my journey with you.  I am electing you to be my accountability partner.  I will be posting daily on Facebook.  I am welcome your comments and support. 

Looking forward to taking this journey with all of you.
 See you Monday

Monday, August 26, 2013

How I start my week

Every Sunday night I after the kiddos are in bed I set a timer for 15 minutes to pick up the house and straighten up my desk. This allows me to have a clean slate in the morning. I then make myself a cup of tea sit down at my clean desk and do the following: 1. Pull out a clean sheet of paper and dump my brain of everything I want to accomplish for the week. 2. Pull out my planner and colored pens to block my time for the week in this order: Pink= scheduled work obligations Teal= family obligations Orange= workouts Green= Isagenix/Health Coaching Appointments and activities Black or blue travel time is marked with a line to the right so that I know even though I do not have anything scheduled my time is taken Pencil Everything that I want to do that is not necessary 3. I create my Daily to-do list from my list, taking into account how much time I have that day. Click here to see the list I use. 4. I write 10 goals in present tense that I want to accomplish this year without looking back at last week. Every day I rewrite those goals without looking back at what I wrote the day before. This allows me to become more focused on what I want to really accomplish. Buy taking these few minutes every Sunday I am setting my goals into motion and creating a movement towards them. If you use a goal setting plan share with me in the comments below.