Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year's Un-Resolution 2014

(warning adult language will be may be used in this post)
My New Year's Resolutions for 2014 are quite simple.  I am not resolving not to take on anything that is unnecessary until I have finished EVERYTHING I have already started.  My life since having children has been full of unfinished projects and tasks.  Since becoming an Work a Home Mom/entrepreneur my bookshelves are filled with unread books and trainings. My email is separated into folders of unread emails and online trainings that I have pushed to the side. My life in general is one big fucking pile.  It is bad enough that I have had Swiss Cheese brain since giving birth to my 3 year old but I have added to it by well adding to it. I seriously have days where I really cannot remember where I am supposed to be or what I am supposed to do. Even worse are days when I realize I have taken on so many projects that I realize there is not way in hell I am going to get them all done along with my daily duties as a mom.  So this year I am not making any resolutions I am just getting shit done.

Steps for making this happen:
1.  Make a list of ALL the unfinished projects.  This includes trainings, home projects, personal goals, family ideas, DIY projects, program ideas, Pinned ideas I love, vacations, work and career goals, etc
2.  Cross off the ones that just don't need to get done and trash 'em.
3.  Use my Moleskine as a project/bullet journal to organize everything I want to accomplish.
4.  Use slash pockets to organize ideas and notes to projects that I will be looking at later.
5. Make a running list of projects that are 15 minutes or less
6. Chose 2 big projects to work on at a time and that is it!  File all other ideas a way.
7. Chose 1 book to read at a time (not counting my devotional book) and only read that one until it is compete and move on or read again (3 times total for personal development books)
8. Keep a "books to read" list in my Erin Condren Planner
9. Create systems and binders for staying organized and sane.
10.  Set yearly, quareterly, monthly, weekly and daily goals to get
 Finally scheduling a monthly "Get Shit Done Day" where I do nothing but plug away at one project at a time.  At the end of each of those days I take at least an hour and reward myself by doing something for me like reading a book in the back yard, walking on the beach or getting my nails done.

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