Sunday, January 20, 2013

DIY Coconut Lime Body Scrub

Many of you have been asking for the recipe for the Coconut Body Scrub I posted on Instagram (emfitchic).  So here it is. Super easy to make an oh so moisturizing

1 c Sugar in the Raw
1 c Sea Salt
3/4 c Raw coconut oil
1 T Vanilla Extract
Juice of 1/2 lime.

Stir together in a large mixing bowl. Let sit for 2 hours.

*Scrub is perishable to keep extra in your fridge. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Avoid Flu Season The DIY Trophy Wife Way

It is the time of year for cold and flus.  But why let your home become the breading ground for germs.  Remote controls, phones and door handles are the most germy areas of your home. To help keep them clean I keep clorox wipes near by and a few times a day I wife everything down.  Easy enough

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Make time for your girlfriends

Making time for you and your girls is something as moms and wives we so often forget to do but yet it is soooo important. Try to make some time for Sunday brunch this weekend or the next. Call all your best girlfriends and make time to get together.  Even better make it a monthly affair.
Think about those amazing women you know that bless your life.  Those fellow mommies, neighbors, co-workers, college girlfriends … Take it one step further, since they’re helping you stay happy, healthy and less-stressed, show some girlfriend gratitude and pick up the tab.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Clean your window tracks

Today's assignment will take a bit longer.  Take time today to clean those often missed window tracks & sliding glass doors.  They are not as daunting as they can sometimes feel. Here is what I do.

1. Hit them with your vacuum attachemnt.
2. Follow up with a non-toxic bleach such as Seventh Generation.
3. Let sit for about 5 minutes.
4. Wipe out with a paper towel.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Use for a Wet Swiffer

Today's task is to clean the walls.  For all of us with kids or husbands for that matter, we know how dirty the walls can get with little grubby hands. As we prepare move into our new house that is one thing that I had to do before moving in. A daunting task if you use Pine-sol and a wash rag.  My mom suggested I use the Swiffer Wet Cloths. Genius!!!  It took me less that 20 minutes to do the entire house, including base boards AND I had not problem reaching those hard to reach corners, nooks and crannies.  So today take 20 minutes and get those walls clean!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Start small

It is the weekend I am a personal believer that weekends are for family.  The rule in my house is, if it does not get done before noon, it can wait.  However, being the Type A busy-body that I am, sometimes I just CAN NOT follow that rule.  So I will do something small. My favorite quick organizational task, junk drawers.  Take 15-20 minutes and dump all of the contents on the floor. Then quick dispose of anything broken, misplaced or just plain trash.  From there move items where they belong such as loose change to the piggy-bank, pens and pencils to the desk, etc. Then replace the items that you really want to be in there in a more organized and neat fashion.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Plan to Tie up Loose Ends

Today's assignment is easy.  Spend about 15 minutes today walking around the house and creating a list of unfinished projects and things you have been meaning to do. Make this two separate lists. Walk from room to room, walk around the house, don't forget the garage, attic and basement. Once your are done, make a third list of things that you would like to get done this year.  The third list will new your new running list for the year.

We will start with the first list, things you need to finish.  Choose one day a week to tackle each project one by one for a few hours. Do not kill yourself trying to get it all done now, as we know there is a reason that they are not done yet.  Do not move down the list until each one is full complete.  Once the list is completed move on to the list of things you wanted to do last year. Again schedule time to get each done following the same principles. You get the picture.

I would love to see you lists. Share them with me at

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome to 2013!

It has been sometime since I have shared in this blog.  I realized a few months ago that I had taken on too much and needed to cut back somewhere while I re-prioritized my life. However, when I awoke this morning and thought about my goals for the New Year, I realized that now was the perfect time to get back into it.  This year we will be welcome our second child into the world the beginning of July.   I have some much to write about and share as I once again begin my quest to be a Trophy Wife.  Even if it means in my own head.

For my first project:

I actually started last night by redoing our family binder and making it two.  I will share how I did that at a later date.  Today's activity is to plan the next year on a calendar. I use an Excell download from Vertex42.  I started using this one when I was a teacher & love it.  It allows you to type directly in the calendar and print when you are ready. I color code by category to help keep me organized.   I typically keep this one on my laptop so that I can view, update and change as needed.  I print when the month is done so I can look back at what I accomplished the previous months. This one I use primarily for me to track my personal goals for each month.  I keep an additional hanging wall calendar for family reminders and birthdays.
This is just a quick snap shot of what it looks like.  I have not entered the information yet because I want to keep what I have in store a surprise but, you get the idea.

Share with me.
Choose a calendar format you like to help keep you organized. Share with me below or on Facebook