Thursday, June 27, 2013

My crazy goals for the year

My Fitness Coach Cathy has encouraged us to set "Crazy Goals" for ourselves. Being a Entrepreneur and Fitness Competitor most of my goals are business or fitness related. So when she presented us with this challenge I was quite excited. It has been a long time since I set I goal that had nothing to do with anything except fun. What oh what could I possibly want to do? It took me a second to think of goals that I wanted to do for me. Yes of course my goal of being the best mom, wife and daughter EVER is always my top priority, but what did I want to do? I started to think of things I said, “Oh I always wanted to do that.” I even got out my bucket list.

Here is the list I came up with:

1- Learn to cook for real:
Now yes I can cook, and I do sometimes cook but, nothing exciting.  I am great at concocting. About 10 years ago when I bought my first condo I was obsessed with Nigella Lawson and her cooking show Nigella Bites. So I went out and bought three of her cookbook determined to be a Domestic Goddess just like the book sad.  I think I might have looked at the pictures. Now, if you are familiar with Nigella you know that there is nothing healthy about her cooking. Unlike Gaida, she obviously ate her food. So I am on a quest to learn to cook really, really amazing food like Nigella but stay healthy! I    am thinking there will be some videos coming to YouTube.
2- Start painting again:
In high school I loved to paint and was kinda good at it. A few years ago my mom asked me to paint some pictures she took in Ireland of doors.  I said I would, even went out and bought the paint and canavas but never actually made the time to do it.
3- Make jewelry to sell at craft shows:
This is something I have always wanted to do. I love jewelry and always say to myself, “You know you can probably make that.” Yet, I never do.
4- Read 1 novel per month, possibly join a book club or start one
Before I had McKalyn I used to read every weekend for hours. Unfortunately with a one year old who thinks she is a monkey and climbs into everything that is not really possible anymore. Every month I am going to read a novel just for fun. Lord knows I have enough stacked up that I have been meaning to read. I am just gonna start from the top, grab a book divide the number of pages by the number of days and instead of Facebook stalking at night I am going to read before bed. 
5- Learn Spanish so I can teach my daughter:
Again, something else I have been talking about doing for years. I lived in Florida most of my life, you would think it was a necessity!
6- Volunteer to teach mommy and me classes in my community:  I have been in the fitness industry    
           for so long and because of it I was able to get back into shape pretty quickly.  However, I    
           know that not all moms have the education or the access to resources to get into shape after  
           having a baby. So to Pay-it-Forward I am going to start Mommy and Me classes in my little 
          town so that other moms can benefit from the extra energy being healthy gives. 
Don't forget to find me on Facebook.                                                                                                                                                     

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