Friday, August 17, 2012

August Book of the Month: What to Expect Book Giveaway

The birth of McKalyn was a a long awaited blessing for my husband and I.  However, the duration of my pregnancy was filled with many ups and downs.  After several miscarriages,  I was considered a high risk pregnancy.   Knowing that I only had a 25% chance of carrying to term, I found that I was constantly worried about every twitch and hiccup.  I was given several books on pregnancy by friends and family with the hopes of helping me calm my nerves.  I read several though not all. Some helped ease my nerves, some only made it worse.  It wasn't until I picked up What to Expect When Your Expecting that I started to enjoy my pregnancy.  On the first of every month I read the entire chapter for that month.  I highlighted important information, dog-eared pages to refer to again, and even wrote in the margins. I would go back to that chapter several times over the month to check my progress and to learn what to expect.

A few weeks before I went on maternity leave I walked over to our local bookstore and picked up What to Expect the First Year and What to Expect the Second Year.  I knew I would want these books on hand and did not know if I would be able to get out and purchase them once Mak was born.  I was right, I referred to them daily.  Every month I was excited to learn what milestones McKalyn would reach. It was exciting to see how she was ahead in many areas and behind on others.  I swore she would never crawl since she refused to do tummy time, but to my surprise she learned to crawl and stand at 6 months. I read those books religiously for 2 years, right up until her second birthday in April.

We are now on our third year and loving every minute of it.  We have an amazing little girl who makes everyday a blessing.  I never knew my heart had the ability to love so much.  I am so grateful for these books and how they have helped me.

I am honored to announce that I have been asked to team up with What to Expect!  To celebrate this union, What to Expect has given me the opportunity to give away two sets of the series to two lucky readers!
Each lucky follower will receive:
  • What to Expect When Expecting
  • What to Expect the First Year
  • What to Expect the Second Year
To enter this giveaway you must follow DIY Trophy Wife publicly, and leave a comment telling me which book you will enjoy the most. Please include your email. You must do this before you complete any of the extra entries! Even of you are entering for yourself and your little one is almost a year, or your little ones are grown, fell free to give them away to someone who is expecting. Enter for yourself and a girlfriend!
Extra requirements  – leave a comment telling me you have done each of these:
  1. Like DIY Trophy Wife on Facebook
  2. Follow Emfitchic on Twitter 
  3. Follow what to Expect on Facebook
  4. Follow What to Expect on Twitter 
  5. Mention this give away on Facebook or Twitter tagging both DIY & What to Expect  in your post.
You can also follow my What to Expect Blog at

If you like you can also friend me on my personal page on Facebook I would love to get to know you! 

This giveaway will end August 31 at 11pm EST. Good luck to everyone! 

More Books of the Month & Reviews

Monday, June 4, 2012

June Book of the Month: Have a New Husband by Friday

I have so many books it is ridiculous! One of my favorite things to do is browse the bookstore and drink a skinny latte. Never do I leave without at least one book. Considering that I used to go every day when I was pregnant (I worked across the street) I have accumulated quite the library. So, my summer goal is to read a minimum of one book a month. This month I pulled Have a New Husband by Friday: How to Change His Attitude, Behavior & Communication in 5 Days by Kevin Leman. I picked up this book primarily because the title made me laugh and it was in the bargain bin for $3.50. "Have a new husband by Friday? Is that even possible? Dr. Kevin Leman says it is. The New York Times bestselling author and self-help guru shows even the most frustrated wife how she can have a new husband by Friday. Leman reminds any wife that if what she's doing to get better behavior out of her husband isn't working now, it never will. So it's time for a change. That means it's time to change her own patterns of behavior." I will let you know if it works ;)

See more Books of the Month and their reviews here