Monday, November 7, 2011

Herbal Decongestant Steam

(not for those with weepy acne, rosacea, sunburn, sensitive skin or asthma)
3-4 c distilled or purified water
2 tsp peppermint or eucalyptus leaves
1 tsp comfrey or marshmallow root
1 tsp rosemary leaves
1 tsp thyme leaves
** mix as needed.  In a med size pot, bring water to a boil.  Remove from heat & add the herbs, cover & let seep 5 min. Place pan somewhere safe where you can sit comfortably for 10 min.  Remove cover from pan. Drape a large bath towel over your head & shoulders & the steaming herbs to create a tent. With your eyes closed and your face 10-12 inches from the edge of the pot, breathe deeply & relax as you all the steam to reach deep into the sinus cavities, lung & throat.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pole Dancing for Kids

Now don't get me wrong, I love Pole Dancing classes. I took my first class at Hype Studios in Hermosa Beach, CA.  It was a great way for to get over my inhibitions and to allow myself to really become comfortable with my sexuality. Not to mention the AMAZING workout!  I gained a new respect for those women who do the real pole dancing for a living. Not the cheapo places but the real ones like the ones in Vegas where it is an act.  The amount of strength it takes to do those tricks is incredible. I  recommend taking a class to everyone.....well almost anyone. 

I saw this first on The View and was a little taken back then.  While I am all for children's fitness, I am not really sure that this is the perfect venue for young girls. I am a former dancer and am very liberal when it comes to performing.  When the Single Ladies video came out I thought people were over reacting.  While some people saw sexually explicit movements, I saw incredible talent.  However, I can not seem to find the justification in this. Yes it is a great workout, I agree.  However, so is gymnastics. What do you think?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Product Review: My fav Pilates Video

I have been a Pilates lover for about 10 years now. I swear no other workout can strengthen the body the way Pilates can.  While I have been doing the workout videos at home since 1992, I had not taken a real class until I attended a class at Gold’s Gym in Jupiter, FL taught by Ronda Callaway. Oh my gosh!! I remember I used to take her step class followed by the Pilates class and my body would be completely wasted!! I took her classes whenever I could.  When I moved out to Los Angeles, I could not find a Pilates class that was her caliber or as challenging. So I decided to get certified and teach it myself.  I taught classes very similar to hers at Gold’s Gym in Redondo Beach, CA for 3 years. Unfortunately after moving to Montgomery, AL to be near family I gave up the luxury of a gym with classes I could take or teach. I would love to say I have the motivation to workout at home alone, but I just don’t. It was my sister who said I should try Physique 57.   Can I just say I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these videos. While they are not quite Ronda, they are pretty friggin’ good!  I would recommend these to everyone. You can look more into it at

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thou Shall Obey

So I was at church last Sunday when the pastor started ranting about how women who were in the Women's Rights movement were out of line and most were 60 years old childless and alone. Well, as a child of a woman who was a part of that movement and a very strong woman and business woman I was a bit irritated. (My mother was in front of me I would have loved to have seen her face.) He went on to say that women should be submissive and shouldn't be a nag to their husband. Again, miffed. However, he did recover. He stated that women should not be doormats either. They should support their husbands and take care of the household. Men should be men so that the women could be women. They should lead the family and lead by example. They should be strong enough so that women did not feel that the needed to step in out of necessity.

This struck a cord with me.  As a wife and a mother there are certain things I am just naturally better at.  There are certain instincts I have that my husband does not. For instance, knowing when McKalyn is hungry vs tired.  Then there are things he is just naturally better at. He is a hard worker and likes hard work, I on the other hand do not. I like to work but I like to do it my way. I am a leader and an organizer. He is the hunter and gatherer.  As I watch McKalyn I notice that without prompting she is also an organizer. She also likes more feminine things even though she has never been taught to. (I am sure this is not unusual but as a first time mom I was intrigued) I am also happier when I am at home with my daughter and managing the household and Quad is happier when is able to work and provide for his family.  Does that mean that I feel the women's place is in the home? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I am natural worker. I like to work and I like knowing that I do not need to depend on someone else. I love my independence. That's why I work for myself. I believe we need to do what comes naturally. Maybe if we did we would have much happier homes and much lower divorce rates.